The User can access the Game by downloading the App through the App Store and/or Google Play, and/or by accessing the website of the Game.

Depending on the Game in question, the User is offered the possibility of logging into the Game through different alternatives, namely:

  • By linking the account of the User’s service or social network such as Facebook Connect, Google Sign-In or Apple Sign-In;

  • Logging in as a guest, without the need to enter any personal data; or

  • By registering with the Game by entering your email address and creating your own account.

Either way, from the moment the Game is accessed, SPACE GO assigns a User ID number to the player, which allows SPACE GO to identify and remember the player as a User.

When the User accesses through a Facebook, Apple or Google account, SPACE GO stores the ID of said social network or application and links it to said account. Thus, if the User wishes to access from another device or play again after having uninstalled the App and reinstalled it, he/she will be able to resume the previous game and continue to have all the virtual coins and items that he/she had previously purchased or obtained.

In the event that the User registers and creates his/her own account, SPACE GO will store the user account, so that, even if the User uninstalls the App and then reinstalls it or accesses it from another device, when logging in with his/her game account, he/she will be able to resume the previous game and continue to have access to all the virtual coins and items that he/she had previously purchased or obtained.

However, SPACE GO warns that in case of accessing as a guest without registering, the Company only and exclusively stores the ID of the device. Therefore, in the event of changing device or uninstalling and reinstalling the App on the same device, the User will lose all progress in the Game and will also lose all virtual coins and items previously purchased or obtained.


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